The trick with converting decimals is to know the smallest 'place value' and making that the bottom of the fraction (denominator).
Review on Place Value
For the number 45,268.137
- The four is in the tens of thousands
- The five is in the thousands
- The two is in the hundreds
- The six is in the tens
- The eight is in the ones (units)
- The one is in the tenths (as in fraction over ten)
- The three is in the hundredths (as in fraction over one hundred)
- The seven is in the thousandths (as in fraction over one thousand)
Another way to say this number is "forty five thousand, two hundred and six eight and 137/1000"
Here are some online games that practice this...
Fruit Shooting - ok game good practice. Lots of levels to choose from.
Puppy Chase - make the dog run (I got second when I tried it).
Jump Stones Over River - this tests out if you know your decimals
Balance the Scales - not so much a game but good to play with for few mins
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