Sunday, September 14, 2014

PPDAC For The Movies

PPDAC Inquiry Summary
Now that you've had enough time to look at the database of movies from 2012 and 2013 it is important for you to consider the bigger picture idea of inquiry.

So owners of movie theatres are very interested in what movies are coming up.  The term "blockbuster" is great it means lots of people going to the movies and more $$ for the owners.  

So the initial investigation would be on assessing which year was better or if things are getting better or worse?

Remember that you presentation will need to have some slides that cover all of the PPDAC sections.

·         Problem – I will give this to you "I wonder if 2013 was a better year financial at the box office for movies".  You can make a prediction which year you think might be better just looking at the databases.   

·         Plan – I got it from a website called box office mojo.   There was way more than 100 movies but I picked the top 100 - but I choose to limit to the top 100. 
·        Data – Explain how you picked your sample.  What is good about the size of the sample you choose.  Also note that the data is in US dollars and rounded to the nearest million dollars. 

·        Analysis – You have to find statistics like the middle (mean/median/mode)    the spread (range and interquartile range).   You have to have some graph(s) Box n Whisker      and/or      Back to Back Stem n Leaf 

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