Geometry is a nice topic in maths. It is all about shapes (and mostly flat two dimensional shapes).
Geometry is broken down into two major sub units. Angle Geometry and Transformational Geometry. Angle Geometry is some of the oldest maths around - much of it is from ancient greeks. It is about the rules that geometric shapes obey.
I like angle geometry because there is a beauty to it, it is logical and can get pretty complicated.
Geometry is especially important if you're interested in graphing, design, architecture, engineering, building, painting and other arts.
Here is my traditional unit plan that I'll use in this class. It has the what you should already know, what we'll be covering and some extension material...
Here is the one on Geometry Angles (
click to see a bigger version).
The link to the curriculum is that the earlier knowledge is level three, this year's work is mostly level four, and start thinking about is level five.
At year 11 Angles is worth four credits externally (1.6) and three credits internally (1.8)
There is also Transformational Geometry. At year 11 Transformations are worth two credits internally (1.9). We're not doing this for this topic right now.